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Holiday Traditions Part III…the tree

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Okay so I know some folks do artificial trees but this household is a real tree kind of group. We love the windy open field and finding, "just the right tree." We're usually pretty quick since the place we like to go south of Des Moines has wide open fields and is really, REALLY windy. There are always a lot of joking, laughing, freezing hands, plummber bottom by the boys, yelling of watching-out-for-the-saw to the little girls, and good discussion on how to tie the tree on just the right way so it doesn't blow off the car! We usually like to go with our friends Ashley and Jeff and their little ones but this year between sickness and events we just couldn't get it done. (the photos of Charlotte and Adalyn are when they are little!, I think 2009?!) So we had to go to Lowe's this year to the tree lot, we were disappointed we had to resort to that but what can you do? Anyway, we always have alot of fun getting the tree and this year it was quick but I think we got a good one! [gallery link="file" order="DESC" columns="5"]

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