reflections & expectations
Hello friends— a last hello from 2011 and a big anticipating hello of 2012! I don't know about you but the last year has brought, A LOT! Both good and bad (I suppose not unlike every year) but this year the goods were really, REALLY good and the bads seemed kinda really bad- not a lot of bad things personally, but to the people I really care about so it became pretty personal. Anyway, most of us try to take stock at the end/beginning of a new year. So dum, dee, dah, dum: here are my resolutions and To Do's for the year:
1) RESOLUTION 1: really lovin' my girls and cherishing every day and moment with them, not wishing for something easier or better.
2) RESOLUTION 2: connecting more with friends in real ways…not just email and facebook but with phone calls and letters. Finding out what is happening in their lives so I can keep it real with them.
3) RESOLUTION 3: keep working superhard at the letterpress biz, even praying about it + reading The Good Book, but then knowing when to buckle-down or to let things go.
4) RESOLLUTION 4: this one is kinda small but can become a big deal: keep the closets and shelves organized before it explodes, I promise mr. mccoy I'll fix the pantry first! The coffee avalanche that occurs every morning HAS GOT TO STOP!
5) RESOLUTION 5: Bring in the fresh + lovely every day: be it a cool pin on pinterest/etsy/theweb, finding a beautiful keepsake from the great outdoors, rearrange something in the house, or a quick collage creation with c…
How about you? What are hoping for, to do this year? IF you're anything like me…always looking out for the best that life has to offer! Here's to 2012, CHEERS!

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