Inspiration Tuesday…
[caption id="attachment_616" align="alignnone" width="550" caption="Of course, all things involving shoes, clothing and fantastic prints"]
Hello friends! Sorry I fell off a bit last week with the beginning of the academic year, I promise I'll do better this week with posts. Usually my Mondays are a little busy with printing, teaching and of course a little three-year-old's ballet class. Yesterday I was working on a little printing project that will get revealed when I actually get done with it…so check back but it is super-cool and a little more 3D than my normal work (have I caught your interest yet?)
Anyway here are things that inspire me…as usual— other prints + shoes +clothes! I promise my next inspiration tuesday will not include clothes but cool work/studio spaces!
Here is the list of inspiring objects:
Very top photo of shoes, girl with scarf, and bottom red dress: shoes/boots collection from this season Noa Noa (one of my favorite shops when traveling abroad— Noa Noa's collections are designed in Denmark + most shops are situated in Scandinavia and Northern Europe, I've only hit the one in Roma…
Watercolor: atelier28 {etsy}
Seafoam green sweater coat: Zara
Topiary print and swimmers print: Bella Foster
Bottom botanical prints: Leah Duncan {etsy}
Lady Bug Lady: Rifle Paper Co.

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