Country Living Goodness
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Hello friends! Well I'm back from Atlanta. I went there this past weekend to participate in Country Living Magazine "Pitch Your Product." I got in a little late friday night…er early saturday morning around 1:45 am to Atlanta. Saturday I practiced my pitch (we only had a limited time to pitch) and of course went shopping! I went to all the places we don't have in Iowa: Anthropologie, Madewell, Zara, and H&M. We do have a JCrew but since I didn't have my sidekicks with me I was free to roam and try things on, it was glorious! In the below photo you'll see the dressing room at Madewell. I picked out a few things and while I finished looking around the salesgirl did a little accessorizing in my dressing room with scarves…how cool is that?! Had to take a pic of that. Much of my day involved Einstein Bros. coffee and a little Garmin for navigation around Atlanta.
Okay, enough about the shopping excursion, on Sunday morning I had my pitch at the Stone Mountain Marriott. It is a beautiful big rock surrounded by forests, trails, and small lake– a lovely setting. Some of the folks waiting around to pitch their product told me that they had thought over 120 people were pitching…whew! It was crowded lots of nice yet nervous people so I didn't want to take their photo, but you wouldn't believe all the cool products, creative set-ups and nice people. It was good. My pitch went well, the ladies I pitched to were nice, asked questions, and seemed interested. I was even filmed by the nice camera guys who I had chatted up in the hallway so they helped make me feel at ease. We'll see what happens might not find anything out until December, so I'll keep you posted! All in all a good experience and fun to tell people about what I love to do. I was happy to meet the nice folks of Country Living Magazine.
I wished I had taken more photos but I was pretty busy! Enjoy!

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